Sunday 15 May 2011

May 14 ... Rockingham

Morgan had to be up early today, Saturday, to be assessed for her Surf Bronze Medallion. She has worked hard for 7 weeks so it was good she was successful. It will allow her to be an active member of the East Fremantle Surf Club  next season. Her testing gave us a bit of time to get organized before heading south for the afternoon.
Our first stop was Myer but I will spare you the details of that, suffice to say, we got lots of nice things, then we took the coastal road down to Rockingham where we enjoyed a delicious afternoon tea.
Afternoon Tea at Rockingham
 It was a bit of a bleak afternoon but there was an art exhibition on that I wanted to see. It was called "Sculptures By The Sea" and it was set up on and above the beach. All the artworks had to be made of recycled "rubbish" and this year's efforts were both talented and interesting.

"Sea Dancer" - she bobbed around with the water movement

"Bloom"- Hanging baskets, plastic milk bottles, ring pulls, aluminium cans

"Fish Called Wonder"

"Drawing The Line" - The Winner - Tuna can lids, pipe, wire mesh


"Angry Planet"
"Free Range"- Hanging baskets, wire mesh.

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