Thursday 28 July 2011

July 31 ... Broome

We had a lovely surprise this week when we were joined by Trish and Andrew Jackson. We had kept in touch throughout our travels but they were behind schedule and we thought we would miss them in Broome, instead we have 4 days together, and as they intend to travel in the same direction as us, it is possible we may meet up again.
Andrew and Trish Jackson at Cable Beach, Broome
On our first night we went for drinks at the Cable Beach Bar and were treated to another beautiful sunset. It was so good to swap stories about our experiences but we will gain the most as they could give us some good advice about future stops on our trip through the NT and into QLD.
The sinking sun over Cable Beach

Sunset - Cable Beach

Early evening - Cable Beach

Garry and I have developed a lovely routine during our weeks here. Each day we listen to the 7.45 ABC News while I have a coffee and then we go for a fast walk of about an hour. We always go to the beach because there is so much to see.
The camel trains are taken over to the beach in the early morning and late afternoon for the tourists to ride. They are an icon of Broome and certainly quite interesting to watch. There are three different groups and apparently the competition is fierce for the licences as it is a very profitable business.
The Blue Camels

The Red Camels
We have also been entertained daily by the large flocks of frigate birds that choose to feed in the waters just off Cable Beach. These are very large birds and they dive from quite a height, folding their wings back into their body so they enter the water like a dart. When they are doing this en mass it is amazing to see ... but VERY hard to photograph!
Frigate Birds Feeding

Frigate birds in flight
Also today the waves were really perfect. Just for Jae I have included these photos even though we actually saw much better examples, but I was never quick enough to focus and click. The water here is a clear blue and as the wall rises up it looks quite beautiful. Surprisingly, there were no boardriders out taking advantage of these great conditions.

 Of a morning the beach is at its nicest. We have had perfect weather and each day we comment on how lovely it looks. It is easy to understand why some people come here for months if it is always like this.
10am,  Broome

We have had a bit of excitement too with a crocodile being sighted on Cable Beach. Fortunately for us we were on our tour of the Cape, but the beach remained closed until mid Tuesday morning. Even more fortunately, the croc has not been seen since though we tend to keep a lookout when swimming! I really thought the water here at 23 degrees would be too cold for them ... wrong again!

I went into the markets again on Sat and this time I bought a few things, just small gifts for people.  I would like to have bought some pearls but there is no way of judging their quality and they are all expensive.
Each night we go for drinks at the surfclub,"Happy Hour", and on our last night we also had Thai Takeaway and watched our very last sunset over the Indian Ocean.
Broome Markets

Enjoying Happy Hour at the Surfclub

We will be very sorry to leave here tomorrow. Broome has been wonderful and it has been especially nice having Andrew and Trish here for the last four days. We had also looked forward to catching up with another old friend, Rob Brown who was here on a work trip, but unfortunately he was too busy and too sick with the flu. It seemed like a great opportunity to have a bit of a reunion but it was not to be. It has been an excellent 15 days and we have no idea when we will be back but Broome certainly goes onto our list of very special places.                                                                                                                                                                                      
The sight that greets us each morning.
The sight that ends each evening

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