Sunday 9 October 2011

Oct 9 ... Mooloolaba

We had two more days at Hervey Bay, the first of which was very windy and despite the 26 degrees, it was quite cool. We went for a long walk on the beach and a bit of an explore of the shops, but otherwise were content to spend the afternoon around the van.
The following day dawned okay so we set off for the markets in a park just along from us. They were okay and we bought a few small things including some delicious smelling peaches and nectarines. It was still quite early when we were alerted to lots of very dark clouds that were coming over at pace so we hurried back to the van just as the storm hit. It was not too bad but the thunder and lightning stayed around for the next four hours so we got a lot of reading done. Mid afternoon Garry headed off to the pub to watch the RWC Semi-Finals X 2 and I had a nice time defrosting the fridge and watching a movie! We did go over to the beach for a walk inbetween games, and I did take some lovely photos of the bay once the storm had passed over. Garry came home with chinese for tea and we watched another movie to finish off our time in Hervey Bay. It was really relaxing and we were very glad we had stayed on even though we did not make it into the water.
Hervey Bay and the "Fighting Whiting"

Hervey Bay after the storm

There is a bit of a trap when you get near to familiar territory, you tend to "drive to arrive" rather than taking it slowly and looking about. Unfortunately, this malaise affected us both as we flew through Maryborough. Despite seeing many beautiful old Queenslanders, some quite grand, we did not deviate from the highway and so were diverted around the main town. I really regretted this but of couse, you do not go back, so we agreed to stop here for a few days next time.

Being more aware, when we got to Gympie we took a scenic route around and through the town and were rewarded with some lovely architecture. These old Queensland towns are quite a "discovery" for us as they have retained so much character. I find it refreshing to see how their originality has been preserved and that they are still functioning effectively. Again, Gympie had many beautiful old homes as well as many impressive buildings in the town area.

By now it was around 10am so we found a park and prepared morning tea. Another reason the city was looking so beautiful was because the jacaranda trees were in full flower. They are one of my favourites and the vibrant purple flowers were stunning today
Park in Gympie

Without too much thought, Gympie also went on to our revisit list together with Rainbow Beach and Noosa. The rest of our drive was straight down the highway to Moroochydore where we needed to do a big grocery shop. The views along the way were beautiful because it was a really clear day like you often get after a storm. There are still a lot of bushfires around the state but none this far south.

Now we are set up on our usual site in the Park at Mooloolaba. Coming in the water and beach looked amazing and very inviting. I am really looking forward to the next two weeks here. Surprisingly, the Park is full..and packed with children, who should all be at school! I'm not sure what is going on but I am WAY over kids, their yelling and their ball games, so I hope most of these move on very soon. My excuse is that I have sinus, a coldsore and a stiff back which is still recovering from a pinched nerve. As Garry will testify, patience is in short supply. He has taken himself up to the surfclub to watch the last two RWC Semi Finals ... a wise move!

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